Enquiries and appeals

AAT has robust quality assurance procedures in place to ensure that results issued to students are correct and are an accurate reflection of their performance. However, you (or your training provider or employer acting on your behalf) can use AAT’s enquiries and appeals procedure to request a review of your results if you:

  • have reason to believe that the result and/or percentage score for an assessment, or the overall grade and/or percentage score for a graded qualification or apprenticeship End Point Assessment (EPA), is incorrect
  • disagree with decisions made regarding reasonable adjustments or special considerations for an assessment you have taken (where an application has been made to AAT)
  • disagree with a result of an assessment carried out by your training provider.
  • have reason to believe that the awarded marks for the tasks used to calculate your estimated result are incorrect. Please note that enquiries and appeals procedure cannot be used to query the method of calculating estimated results.

AAT will carry out various checks to determine whether your result is correct. If we find any errors, we will correct these and refund any fees that have been paid as part of the enquiries and appeals procedure. However, it is important to note that marks or grades can go down as well as up.

Enquiries will only lead to a mark adjustment where an error is found in the calculation of the awarded marks, or if the original marking was incorrectly applied. An enquiry cannot give further compensation for any impact that an assessment issue might have had on the student during the assessment.

Students (and staff at training providers or assessment venues) can also use the enquiries and appeals procedure to make an appeal against a Malpractice Review Panel (MRP) decision, regarding actions to be taken against them following an investigation into malpractice or maladministration.   

There are two stages to AAT’s enquiries and appeals procedure: Stage 1 (review) and Stage 2 (appeal). A Stage 1 review must be completed before a Stage 2 appeal can be requested, except in the case of an appeal against a MRP decision.


Is it right for you?

The enquiries and appeals procedure is not for: 

  • reporting an error in an assessment
  • applications for special consideration: if you'd like your assessment to be granted special consideration because of illness, a traumatic accident or a major and unpredictable life event (for example the death of a close relative) at or shortly before the time of assessment, please speak to your training provider for guidance on the correct procedure.

Submitting your application

Please read the enquiries and appeals procedure document carefully before completing and returning your application form.

For each stage, you must send the application form so we receive it within ten business days of either:

  • the publication of your result or grade, or
  • in the case of appeals, your notification of a Stage 1 outcome or MRP decision.

Send your completed forms to assessment.operations@aat.org.uk.

Application forms


Fees applicable until 31 August 2024: 

  • Stage 1: Review: £38 per student, per assessment 
  • Stage 2: Individual Appeal (for Stage 1 or MRP decision): £128 per student, per assessment 

Fees applicable from 1 September 2024: 

  • Stage 1: Review: £39 per student, per assessment 
  • Stage 2: Individual Appeal (for Stage 1 or MRP decision): £132 per student, per assessment 

Payment is required before your application can be processed. Payment can be made using BACS or bank card using one of the methods below:

  • via your MyAAT student account (AAT are required to invoice you for this first)
  • by contacting our Customer Services team on +44 (0)20 3735 2468

If you wish to make a bank transfer please state this on your form. Once your form has been received a member of the Assessment Operations team will contact you via email to inform you when an invoice has been placed on your MyAAT account. You'll then have ten business days to make this payment.

Contact us

If you have any further queries our Customer Support team can be reached at:

Our telephone lines are open Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 17.00 UK time.