Bookkeeping membership (AATQB)

AAT bookkeeping membership gives you the letters AATQB after your name. 

This tells employers, colleagues, and clients that you have the real-world skills they're looking for in addition to your qualification.

It also increases your earning potential by 11% compared to non-members (the average salary increase taken from the 2023 AAT Salary Survey).

Membership offers a variety of benefits

It's more than just the letters, it's an all-around support system to help you grow and succeed now, and long after you've completed your studies. 

Membership eligibility checker

Find out your eligibility for AAT bookkeeping membership (AATQB) by answering a few simple questions and receiving guidance on how to start your application.

Apply now

Start your application if you meet the requirements through AAT qualifications or membership.

Apply now if you're AAT qualified
Apply now if you're AAT qualified

Start your application if you meet the requirements through AAT qualifications or membership.

Apply now if you're not AAT qualified
Apply now if you're not AAT qualified

Check if you're eligible to apply through another qualification or membership you hold.


  • Annual membership fee: £134.
  • Reinstatement fee: none. If your AATQB membership has lapsed and you’d like to rejoin AAT, you'll need to reapply.

Up-front membership fee

Whether you pay your annual membership fee up front will depend on your current membership type.

  • If you're studying a qualification: You'll need to pay the AATQB annual membership fee when you apply. If you've registered for the Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting a discount will be applied to the AATQB membership fee for the first year only.
  • If you're an AAT affiliate member: There are no initial fees to pay when you apply. The next time you renew your membership, your fee will reduce as you'll pay the AATQB membership fee instead of your AAT affiliate fee.
  • If you're an AAT professional member: You can add AATQB status to your existing membership at no extra cost.
  • If you're a non-member: You'll be asked to pay the AATQB annual membership fee when you apply. You'll also need to share copies of your relevant qualification/membership certificates if they weren't issued by AAT.

Providing accountancy services to the public: when to apply for your AAT licence

If you’d like to provide self-employed accountancy services directly to the public or are already doing so, you’ll need an AAT licence in addition to your bookkeeping membership.

Already offering these services

You'll need to apply for your AAT licence before we can approve your bookkeeping membership. However, if you can demonstrate that you meet the exemption criteria, you will not need to apply for the AAT licence.

Find out more about AAT licences and exemptions.

Need help with your application?

Need help with your application?

Applying online will only take a few minutes. If you need any further information or support in completing your application please email us or call us on +44(0)20 3735 2468. Lines are open Monday to Friday 09.00–17.00 UK time.

Your application can take up to five working days to process.

Next steps in AAT membership

Next steps in AAT membership

Have you completed your AAT Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting or gained a qualification with another professional body or university? If so, you might be eligible for AAT full membership (MAAT).

Find out if you're eligible and apply

Contact our
membership team

Speak to one of our helpful advisors on

Our lines are open Monday to Friday 09.00–17.00 UK time.