Full membership (MAAT)

Earn, learn and achieve more

Discover what’s possible with MAAT status.

AAT full membership (MAAT) is an internationally recognised professional status in accounting and finance. It demonstrates a high standard of education and experience to employers and clients, along with a commitment to development and keeping your skills up to date.

MAAT is the quality mark that can be the deciding factor for any organisation when recruiting accounting and finance staff. When you become a full member you'll get the following.


You can apply for AAT full membership if one or more of the below applies.

  • You have less than six months to go to complete the AAT Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting (Q2022 standards), or you've completed it.
  • You've completed:
    • the AAT Professional Diploma in Accounting (AQ2016 standards), or
    • the AAT Level 4 Diploma in Accounting (2013 standards), or
    • the AAT Level 4 Diploma in Accounting (2010 standards).

If you've completed an AAT qualification prior to our 2010 standards, to be eligible for full membership, you will need to either study and gain the AAT Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting or become a professional member without AAT qualifications.

Membership eligibility checker

Find out your eligibility for AAT full membership (MAAT) by answering a few simple questions and receiving guidance on how to start your application.

How to apply

Applying is straightforward. Here are the steps and what you'll need to submit.

Before you begin, please have all of the below information ready. You won't be able to save a partially completed application as you go.

1. "Fit and proper" requirements
2. Competence requirements
3. Declaration
4. Fees

Step 1. Meet our "fit and proper" requirements

When you apply, you'll need to answer questions to show you meet our "fit and proper" requirements so we can assess your suitability for membership, and upload supporting documents where needed.

Apply now

Apply now if you're AAT qualified
Apply now if you're AAT qualified

You can apply if you've completed the AAT Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting.

Apply now if you're not AAT qualified
Apply now if you're not AAT qualified

Check if you're eligible to apply through another qualification or membership you hold.


  • Admission fee (one-off payment): £57
  • Reinstatement fee (one-off payment): £57
  • Annual membership fee: £187
  • Reduced annual membership fee: £116 if on low income or retired; £136 if studying (subject to eligibility: if you're an existing member, check if you're eligible)

The reduced membership fee for full members is available on renewal, subject to eligibility, and you must apply for it each year you remain eligible. (Retired members can apply on a one-off basis.) Life members are not eligible to apply.

You'll pay your fees when you apply.

There's a full list of fees for all AAT memberships on the Membership fees page.

Providing accountancy services to the public

If you're already providing self-employed services to the public as either a sole practitioner, or partner, director or principal in an accountancy firm, and you hold at least 5% of the shares, you’ll need to apply for your AAT licence and be provisionally approved before we can approve your full membership application.  

All professional members offering these services must be licensed with us unless they’re able to demonstrate they meet one of the exemption criteria.  

Find out more about AAT licences and exemptions.

Reinstate your membership

Reinstate your membership

If you've previously been an AAT full member, join us again by applying online.

What's next after MAAT?

What's next after MAAT?

Have you been an AAT full member (MAAT) for five or more consecutive years? If so, you may be eligible to apply for AAT fellow membership (FMAAT), the highest designation you can achieve with AAT.

Find out the benefits of FMAAT status.

Find roles that recognise your expertise

Find roles that recognise your expertise

With your MAAT designatory letters helping you stand out from the crowd, AAT Careers Hub connects you to job listings tailored to your career progression. 

Search the latest jobs in accounting