Assessments: how they work
When you're studying an AAT qualification your knowledge and skills will be tested via computer based assessments (CBAs). These are administered by AAT Approved training providers or assessment centres, and run entirely on PCs or laptops.
Our CBAs are marked in one of three ways:
- wholly computer marked, and so results will be available automatically
- partially computer marked and partially human marked, and so results will be available within six weeks
- wholly human marked, and so results will be available within six weeks.
Assessment scheduling
You'll sit assessments when you're ready, as agreed with your training provider. You'll need to check with your training provider or assessment venue on the availability and schedule for completing your assessments.
Synoptic assessments
For the Level 2 Certificate in Accounting qualification you'll need to sit a synoptic assessment. This tests your understanding of connections between the different topics covered across the qualification, and is sat towards the end of it.
The synoptic assessment is available on demand, and results for it are released for you to see online six weeks after submission.

Assessment fees range from £38 to £68 depending on the qualification you're studying. Fees are paid to the training provider or the AAT Approved assessment venue. You should check whether these are included in your overall training provider fee. Some training providers and assessment venues may charge an admin fee on top of the AAT assessment fee.
Assessments using remote invigilation carry a fee of £37 and potentially a further booking fee charged by your training provider.

Where to sit assessments
If you're studying with classroom learning or with a blended learning provider you'll most likely sit your assessments with your AAT Approved training provider.
If you're studying with distance learning you can sit your assessments at an AAT Approved assessment venue.

Sitting assessments remotely
We expect to begin a phased roll-out of remote invigilation from early 2024. This is where assessments are supervised over the internet, so instead of having to go to an approved assessment centre, you can take your assessments at home or at another secure location of your choice.
If you're a registered student already you can get more detailed information on remote invigilation in your MyAAT account.
If you're an AAT Approved training provider you can see updates on the remote invigilation explainer page.