Fair processing notice: Training providers

15 February 2022

This fair processing notice applies to AAT training providers and assessment venues.

The data we collect about you

  • Your name and contact details
  • Personal details like your date of birth, membership ID and AAT ID (if you are also an AAT student or member)
  • Details regarding your training provider organisation and the services provided, such as your association with a training provider, programme registration, student qualification results and records, qualification progression records, qualification approvals for the organisation and facilities offered
  • Your payment details
  • Any other relevant personal information contained in your application forms, supporting documents uploaded (such as your photo ID) with your application, or that you may provide to us with consent (eg responses to surveys and personal stories for marketing material).

What we do with your data and on what grounds

We can only process your personal data if we have a basis to do so which is permitted by law. This may be that you have given your consent, or one of the other lawful bases for data processing outlined below.

  • Performance of contract with you. We process your personal data where it’s necessary to fulfil a contract with you or to take steps, at your request, before entering into such a contract.
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests. We process your personal data as and when necessary to do so in order to conduct and manage our business to provide you with the best service and experience. We make sure we consider and balance any potential impact on you and your rights before we process your personal data for our legitimate interests. We don’t use your personal data for activities where our interests are overridden by the impact on you (unless we have your consent or are otherwise required or permitted to by law).
  • Necessary to meet our legal obligations. We process your personal data where it’s necessary for compliance with legal or regulatory obligations.
Purpose/activityLawful basis for processing including basis of legitimate interest
To promote you as a training provider and external assessment venue, and manage your orders for AAT publications for use at your centres.
  • Your consent (if received)
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests (to improve our business offering)
To manage your chosen programme’s assessments and results, including to deliver assessments, scheduling, providing certificates, managing student details and renewals data for your centre, and resolving issues and enquiries.
  • Performance of a contract with you
To generate payment codes for matching students’ payments with their training provider.
  • Performance of a contract with you
To provide you with access to the Centre secure online system for running the Computer Based Assessments.
  • Performance of a contract with you
To manage our End Point Assessments (EPA) apprenticeship schemes, including to register apprentices who intend to undertake an EPA through AAT, and to fulfil our obligations as an End Point Assessment organisation (EPAO).
  • Performance of a contract with you

To comply with our legal obligations, including to:

  • investigate malpractice allegations and enable students and training providers to appeal results or RASC decision and make assessment related complaints, in line with regulatory requirements
  • perform appropriate checks to approve new training providers
  • ensure that an appropriate level of quality and consistency is provided by training providers, and maintained throughout assessments and marking
  • assess and maintain the quality of data stored, including dealing with returned mail and bounced emails and performing analysis on the completeness and correctness of data.
  • To comply with our legal obligations
To make important communications relevant to your association with us.
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests (running our business)
  • Performance of a contract with you
Customer support in relation to your application and membership, including to address enquiries and resolve issues.
  • Performance of a contract with you

Product development and quality control, including to:

  • monitor engagement with third party services and branch events
  • identify trends and gather insight relating to our products and services
  • maintain internal quality levels by conducting call, email and CRM audits
  • invite people to participate in research and focus groups.
  • Necessary for our legitimate interests (to improve our business offerings)

Marketing and promotional communications, including to:

  • have a bank of case studies available for contact in order to publish stories promoting AAT in magazines, online and in promotional material
  • invite people to participate in surveys, research and focus groups to provide feedback about an AAT product or service, and process feedback received and follow up with responses if appropriate.
  • Your consent (if received)
IT system administration, to administer internal systems including maintaining access rights, troubleshooting issues and maintaining databases and backups
  • Performance of a contract with you
  • Legitimate interests (for running our business)

Who we share your personal data with

  • Our third-party service providers of payment, IT, consultancy, benefits and rewards and user test agency services
  • External chief examiners
  • External verifiers, for assessment quality management
  • Other training providers.

Where we get your data from

Other than directly from you, we may also receive personal data from the following third party sources:

  • Your training provider organisations
  • Markers
  • Publicly available sources, such as returned post
  • Our third-party service providers of IT, career management consultancy and benefits and rewards services
  • Professional bodies and law enforcement agencies.

How long we keep your data

We will retain most of your data for 7 years after we’ve been notified that you’re no longer a relevant training provider contact. This may cover your contact information and any correspondence between you and us. Below are exceptions to this:

Centre assessment results

Included within your access to the Centre assessment results and Centre statements of achievements services you will have the ability to view results for your current and previous students assessments. This data must only be used to support your current students in their journey towards achieving their AAT qualification, and for no other purposes.

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