Offer AAT qualifications
Are you a training provider looking to offer your students more?
Wherever you are in the world, our internationally-renowned AAT finance qualifications offer opportunities for your organisation to reach new prospective student groups and draw on extra revenue streams.
We have a proven track record of providing the practical accounting and finance skills employers want – so you can deliver AAT qualifications safe in the knowledge that there is a demand in the market.
We offer a range of internationally recognised qualifications at all levels.
World-class tuition
We only work with the best training providers who can guide AAT students through their training, and forward into successful careers.
Training providers must go through a rigorous application process before they can be approved to offer AAT qualifications.
Once you're approved, we conduct ongoing checks to ensure that you continue to meet the AAT Code of Practice and regulatory requirements.

AAT Approved training providers
We currently have over 550 AAT Approved training providers offering a range of flexible course options. They range from Further Education colleges to specialist short course centres and distance learning providers, all benefiting from offering AAT courses to their students.
How we support you
As an AAT Approved training provider you'll receive all the support you need to deliver AAT qualifications, take on extra students and generate additional income for your venue.
What's more, you can benefit from a strong network of approved training providers and a range of continuing professional development events for you to keep your skills fresh.
Regional account management team or international team support for training providers.
Dedicated teams for student services.
Support resources for you and your students: we have over 400 individual e-learning resources across our full suite of AAT qualifications.
Continuing professional development: from numerous regional support events, to monthly webinars, to regular newsletters, there are plenty of CPD opportunities available.
MyAAT online dashboard: generate payment codes to allow students to register, and view and remove students attached to your centre.
Annual Training Provider Conference: share best practice with others involved in delivering AAT qualifications and benefit from two days of expert speeches, technical workshops and in-depth seminars.
If you have any questions about these services please email us.

Qualification specifications and outlines
You can read full specifications for our qualifications, as well as technical information, purpose statements, employer letters of support and more information on our Qualification specifications and outlines page.
Become an AAT assessment venue
To find out how to become an AAT computer based assessment (CBA) venue, and how it can benefit your business, email us.
Provide the full address of your proposed venue and any experience your organisation has of administering computer based assessments.
If you meet our criteria we'll send you an application form. Complete and return it, and we'll evaluate the suitability of your venue.
We'll probably need to visit your venue before approval is granted.
Any questions?
Contact us.
If you'd like guidance on becoming an AAT Approved training provider, speak to one of our helpful advisors
on +44(0)20 3735 2434. You can also email us or request a call back.
Our lines are open Monday to Friday 09.00–17.00 UK time.