Delivering apprenticeships in Wales
Apprenticeships are a great way for your students to get practical, on-the-job experience. Accounting apprenticeships are a perfect study route to help people develop new, enhanced and industry-relevant skills.
Employers utilise apprenticeship programmes to develop and enhance their existing workforce as well as to attract new staff, so an apprenticeship is a viable career path and a great alternative to university.
Offering apprenticeships is also a great way to support and upskill people in your local community, and in Wales, government support is available to help with funding. Welsh Government approved training providers are funded to deliver apprenticeship frameworks, and manage the apprentices’ training and assessment programme, with most of the training carried out by the employer.
Apprenticeship frameworks
In Wales, an apprentice will follow an approved Welsh Apprenticeship Framework. They ensure an apprentice has the relevant knowledge, skills and qualifications.
The accounting framework has been developed in partnership with employers and training providers. It’s a structured approach to training and developing accounting technicians and prospective accountants who understand the needs of the organisation, its customers, and the sector within which they operate.
Accounting apprenticeships cover three levels including the Foundation Apprenticeship (Level 2), Apprenticeship (Level 3), and Higher Apprenticeship (Level 4).
Apprenticeship frameworks include:
an occupational competency qualification to assess the required skills to undertake the job.
a technical knowledge qualification to assess the required theory and knowledge for the job role.
an Essential Skills Wales qualification which includes numeracy and communication and digital literacy skills.
on/off-the-job training.
Welsh apprenticeship qualifications are regulated by Qualifications Wales.
Apprenticeship Certification Wales (ACW) is the issuing authority for apprenticeship completion certificates. For more information on the accounting framework visit the ACW website.
Typical job roles and salary expectations vary according to the level of qualification – look at the qualification frameworks to find out more about each qualification.
Foundation Apprenticeship (Level 2)
Ideal for school leavers or those aspiring to or currently working in roles including accounts assistant, cashier, credit control clerk, finance assistant, purchase ledger clerk or sales ledger clerk.
Next steps
Interested in delivering apprenticeships in accounting? Get in touch with an AAT Regional Account Manager and we'll talk you through the next steps.