Reduction and consolidation of HMRC statistics publications

Consultation author


Our response published

1 March 2021

Executive summary

  • Capital taxes:  AAT believes high quality statistical information relating to capital taxes is vital to ensure informed policy making but acknowledges this purpose is already largely served by the Office for National Statistics Wealth and Assets Survey. As a result, AAT has no objections to this proposed discontinuation.
  • Income Tax statistics : Discontinuing the Income Tax receipts publication to avoid duplication is a sensible and overdue proposal. Similarly, the proposed discontinuation of historic Income Tax and National Insurance rates and allowances, given such information is already available on GOV.UK, is a welcome move.
  • VAT: AAT supports plans to discontinue the quarterly VAT bulletin and merge that information into a VAT Annual Statistics publication. However, noting the quarterly nature of most VAT returns, the impact of such a change on stakeholders should be closely monitored and a commitment to consider restoring a quarterly bulletin – in the unlikely event that sufficient numbers of stakeholders are able to demonstrate significant problems created by this change – would be most welcome.
  • Pensions and savings: Having a single annual pensions publication makes absolute sense and will likely be of greater use to stakeholders. Likewise, combining the content of ISA and Help to Save statistics is a logical simplification.
Read our response (PDF)

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