Autumn Budget and spending review 2021

Consultation author

Treasury Committee

Our response published

27 October 2021

Executive summary

  • In response to a request to comment on Budget developments in the context of the Treasury Committee’s March 2021 report into Tax after Coronavirus, AAT believes that the important considerations and recommendations made within that report have been largely disregarded by government, certainly in relation to the Autumn 2021 Budget.
  • AAT supports the proposed increases in the National Living Wage (NLW) and National Minimum Wage (NMW) following the recommendations of the independent Low Pay Commission.
  • AAT very much supports the basic principle of allowing working households on Universal Credit to keep more of what they earn. As a result, the reduction in taper relief from 63% to 55% by 1 December 2021 is a helpful step forward.
  • AAT welcomes the decision to extend the Employment and Support Allowance.


Read our response (PDF)

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