AAT Annual General Meeting announced for 25 October 2024

11 July 2024

AAT logo in office

The Trustees of the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) have set out details for AAT’s annual general meeting (AGM) for 2024. 

The AGM will take place at 30 Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London - E14 5RE on 25 October 2024.  

The AGM will include the presentation of AAT's Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2024. 

The AGM will also include announcement of election results for the role of Vice President. This role is elected by AAT Trustees from amongst its eligible Council members. The Vice President then succeeds the current President upon completion of a one year term. The AGM marks the handover between these officeholders, providing the incoming President an opportunity to address members in attendance. 

Proxy voting 

The event will be run as a hybrid meeting in accordance with the rules stipulated in the Articles of Association. This provides AAT members with the option of either attending in person at Canary Wharf, or joining remotely.  

All members will receive proxy voting information closer to the date from AAT’s official democratic services provider, Civica in September. 

For more information on proxy voting or anything else related to the AGM, please email theagmteam@aat.org.uk

Amendments proposed to the Articles of Association 

This year’s AGM will include a special resolution to amend AAT’s Articles of Association, particularly the articles affecting governance arrangements. 

You can learn more about perspectives on the general changes the President and Trustees are proposing you may wish to read the following: