The Women in Finance Charter
In November 2016 AAT signed up to the Women in Finance Charter and was the first accountancy body to do so.

A pledge for gender balance across financial services
The Charter, introduced by HM Treasury as a pledge for signatory firms to work together to help build greater gender balance in financial services, was created to reflect the government's aspiration to see gender balance throughout the industry.
Published in March 2016, it commits firms to supporting the progression of women into senior roles by focusing on the executive pipeline and the mid-tier level, as well as carrying a number of other pledges to promote gender diversity.
AAT's commitment
With women comprising approximately two-thirds of AAT's 130,000 members worldwide, AAT has been a leading voice calling for the promotion of gender equality in business.
When we signed up to the Charter in November 2016 we had 30% female representation at senior management level. (This relates to the AAT leadership team, which is made up of the Executive team and Senior Management team.) Our original target was to have 40% women in senior management by March 2022. We met this target early.
Our current commitment is to ensure the percentage of women in senior management does not drop below 45% by March 2027 and as of September 2023 we have 50% female.
Our commitments to promote gender diversity
We have a member of our Executive team who is specifically responsible and accountable for gender diversity and inclusion, although this is the responsibility of all staff.
Though there is no legal requirement to do so, we report on our gender pay gap.
Our performance against the original target
Here's our percentage of female representation at senior manager level since we signed up to the Charter in November 2016.
- The gender split on our Executive team as of September 2023 is 50% female.
- Our Diversity and Inclusion champions have continued communications to the business to educate, raise awareness with, and engage colleagues around a whole variety of diversity and inclusion matters.
- We signed up to the Race at Work Charter in 2021 and we published our ethnicity pay gap figures for the second time in 2022.
- We continue to be members of the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion and they've supported us with inclusivity training for all colleagues.
Apply for a job at AAT
You can apply for any of our current vacancies using our online career portal.