Complaints and feedback about service provided by AAT
At AAT we aim to provide an efficient and effective service that is valued by all our customers. We strive for continuous improvement and we welcome any feedback on how we're doing and how we can improve.
However, if you feel we've fallen short of our commitments, or you're unsatisfied with our products or services, please let us know. This will give us the opportunity to put things right. The standard you can expect from us is set out within our AAT Customer Commitment.

The AAT Customer Commitment
Our aim is to exceed our customer expectations by providing outstanding service and support. We do this through six commitments: putting the customer first, transparency, accessibility, ownership, commitment to quality, and adding value.
Before you make a complaint about an AAT service
We're committed to providing a high-quality service but understand that sometimes things can go wrong. Many matters can be resolved informally, so do contact our Customer Support team in the first instance as we may be able to resolve your concerns straight away. You can do this on, or on +44 (0)20 3735 2468, or by using the chat window on this page.
Before raising a complaint, we ask that you review our complaints policy (PDF).
To ensure we have all the required information, we prefer for formal complaints to be made in writing. You can do this by completing our online complaint form.
If you want to complain about an AAT approved training provider or assessment venue, or about the conduct of an AAT member, please use the links below.
If your complaint relates to an AAT approved training provider or assessment venue, find the full details on our policy and process here.
If your complaint relates to the conduct of an AAT member, raise your concerns to AAT's Professional Standards team.
Raise a complaint about an AAT service
We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction relating to one of AAT's products or services, where there's an expectation for us to investigate the cause of the problem and to provide a resolution or remedial action.
You can let us know about your complaint in one of two ways.
- Complete our online complaint form, which will then be sent to the relevant team for investigation.
- Contact our Customer Support team on +44 (0)20 3735 2468, who'll see if the complaint is able to be resolved at first contact. We're open Monday–Friday 09.00–17.00. Please be aware that following your call, there may still be an expectation for you to complete our complaint form.
We won't respond to anonymous complaints, although we will respect your anonymity should you not wish to be identified.
What happens next
- Depending on the nature of your complaint, or where a more in-depth investigation is required, your case will be assigned to a dedicated case handler.
- We'll issue an acknowledgment in writing following the submission of your form to confirm receipt of your complaint along with confirmation of AAT's complaints policy.
- Your complaint will be assigned, and the investigation managed by the most appropriate member of staff, details of which will be provided to you as part of your acknowledgement. We will aim to resolve your complaint and provide you with a response within five working days.
- In providing our response, we will ensure that we have investigated your complaint thoroughly and provide an explanation and outcome to the concerns you've raised, along with any applicable next steps.
- Communication regarding your complaint will be done in plain language, avoiding technical language or abbreviations.
- If you contact us via phone, our team will aim to resolve your complaint at the first point of contact where possible.
How long it takes
Our aim is to resolve your complaint and provide you with a response without delay or at the latest, within five working days.
Where this isn't possible, or in more complex cases, we'll contact and update you on our progress, and indicate when our investigations are likely to be completed, giving a deadline by which we should be able to provide a full response.
If you're not satisfied with the outcome
If you're not satisfied you can ask for the matter to be escalated.
For all escalated complaints, please email outlining your concerns, your reason for escalation, and any additional information. We will then:
- refer it to the appropriate manager
- ensure the correct processes were followed in investigating your complaint and that relevant considerations were applied
- provide a final response within five working days of your complaint escalation, thereby exhausting the AAT complaint process.
If after your escalation you're still not satisfied with the response, you can refer your complaint to the appropriate qualifications regulator listed below.
Qualifications regulators
- England: contact Ofqual.
- Scotland: contact the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).
- Wales: contact Qualifications Wales.
- Northern Ireland: contact the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA).
- Botswana: contact the Botswana Qualification Authority.
Give us your feedback
We welcome the opportunity to answer any questions you may have as well as listening to any general comments, feedback, suggestions, or ideas about how we can improve things. We define a comment or feedback as an observation or criticism that may require immediate action but does not require a full investigation.
Feedback is something that can be addressed informally and doesn't need to enter AAT's formal complaint process. All feedback will be recorded and shared with the relevant teams concerned so they can look at how improvements can be made.
Where relevant, we aim to implement any appropriate actions identified at the earliest opportunity. You can provide us with your comments and feedback on AAT services you use by completing this form.
You'll also see a green feedback tab at the edge of this page. Please use this to feed back on your experience of the website, rather than on AAT services.
Give us a compliment
We define a compliment as any expression of praise or commendation.
We always like to hear when we're getting things right. We share all compliments with the relevant members of staff, which helps them feel recognised for the great service they provide.
Compliments can also help us share good practice and ensure we continue delivering to the highest standard.
You can provide a compliment about a member of staff, a team, or something we've delivered, by completing this form.